Perry's Back!

  • @HighEliteMajor

    I caught the same thing you did… that are brightest hopes are to land ONE big, not TWO. I think Perry coming back cemented that. I’m crossing my fingers we land Diallo. I hope @jaybate-1.0 is wrong on him going to SJ. Why would a kid throw away his only year in college on a total gamble?

    I do have some hope that at least 1 of the 3 big guys, Mickelson, Lucas or Traylor, will have a kind of “break through” this coming year and will reach a respectable level and contribute more. All of these guys made contributions this past year, just not at a “championship level”… (aka March).

    I don’t care what Self is saying now… if Brannen has to stay away from ball for 5 months he should redshirt. If he is away for 5 months the very best we can expect out of him this coming year is a year like he had last year. It would do him good anyways to have a pressure-free year to work on his game; definitely his athleticism and his ability to nail shots in motion (something he can’t do yet), and maybe even start to play some sound defense! If we do lose him that opens a slot up for one more guy who could be a difference-maker.

    There is no telling if Svi will be ready for big-time play this year or not. The kid better be eating plenty of hormone-fed Kansas beef this summer and doing two-a-days with Hudy. I’m still thinking he may be another year away from being a real stud. We need studs on the floor, not guys soon to be a stud.

  • @Bosthawk said:

    question - who was the last 4 year KU player we had who was on the skill level of Perry ?

    Probably Wayne Simien

  • @drgnslayr Jamri will also be a senior, may not start but will get good minutes and be key to this team.

  • FYI, St. Johns picked up a 6"11 center yesterday. They now have Jones, Alibegovic, Williams, Sima. & Obekpa. And they are after that Greek 7"1 kid who could come to the states. It doesn’t sound to me they are waiting for Diallo. I think Mullin is scrambling just to fill a roster that lost 4 of its top 6 scorers, possibly 5 if Jordan doesn’t come back.

    Jerry Meyer said they lost major ground with Mullins and that’s why he picked KU to get Diallo. Meyer is probably as in-tuned to the recruiting world as it gets. I still think UK is involved just because of the prospect of playing time. I could be just guessing on that but I’m not so sure “Slice” leaving automatically put them out.

  • @BeddieKU23

    Thanks for the update. Good info!

  • I was excited to see SJ pick up a big to help push Diallo to KU, but the guy (Sima?) is ranked 177. That is lower than Landon Lucas. I hope the sigining is a sign that SJ is looking elsewhere, but I don’t think the kid will push Diallo away.

    I’m taking it as a major positive indication though.

  • @dylans

    I think it is a positive move for KU that is.

    St Johns is going to be horrible no matter who they bring in. Has Mullins been a coach yet? I’m hoping that Diallo realizes St Johns is a 16-18 type team no matter who goes there and that would further push him elsewhere.


    Self’s comments on an impact guard didn’t make sense. I fail to see how Ingram or Brown make it past 1 year in school. The NBA is drooling on them as we speak. Maybe he’s got some magical 8 ball he’s looking at that says there’s this and that available. I didn’t see him throw his hat into the ring for Damion Lee who’s got 1 year left. Maybe the most impactful transfer on the market.

  • @BeddieKU23 do you think Ingram is a OAD?

  • @BeddieKU23

    “I’m hoping that Diallo realizes St Johns is a 16-18 type team no matter who goes there and that would further push him elsewhere.”

    Yes… and what does that do to Diallo’s draft stock if he sits at home in March?

    He should know that if he comes to Lawrence there is a good chance we advance far in March and he would start and play a big role.

    This will be a major botch if we don’t land him. This is a “red carpet opportunity” for Diallo.

    And Kentucky could end up anywhere, including the NIT. I know people will say that is not possible… just look back 3 years ago… it wasn’t possible then either.

    Kansas offers the only deal where it is “what you see is what you get.” Our supporting cast around Diallo are known entities with experience.

  • @drgnslayr

    I laughed when I saw the CBS early top 25 with Kentucky at #1. I don’t think anyone realizes that they just lost their top 7 scorers/players. Whatever, Briscoe is good, Skal could be a Davis type and he will start if he qualifies. What else do they got, undersized Ulis who is a good PG & Lee. Sounds like #1 to me, NOT. I understand they are likely to get some more recruits, let’s face it they have to but now you hear Calipari is reaching for players like Thorne, Dazon Ingram a 3*star that backed out from Alabama & now Jamal Murray who blew up at the Nike Summit. Doesn’t sound to me that Cal is confident the left over OAD types are all going to Lexington.

    You are right about Diallo’s decision should be an easy one. Plus Embiid gave him the low-down which should help seems how they come from similar backrounds. I’m holding out hope that he is the missing link to the championship run we could have. I just have a feeling he’s going to impact KU or whatever school he ends up at his freshman year.

  • @drgnslayr I know you want that additional perimeter player, and with Greene perhaps on the shelf, that certainly may make more sense now. @Crimsonorblue22 made a good point. Ingram seems to be down the mock draft boards and ratings a bit; maybe not a presumed OAD. But certainly in that discussion. I saw him as high as 10 in a mock. He at least might have a chance at staying, but I think @BeddieKU23 is probably right … hard to see Ingram past one season. That’s just my hunch, as well. But Self may have just given us a big hint there. Maybe our hooks are more in Ingram? It always seemed like we 3rd behind Duke and UNC. Mentioning Ingram, though, makes me look at the other guys, too – none of those guys are staying more than one season. Ingram is the only one that is even a possible TAD. Can’t imagine who he is talking about if not Ingram.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 @ HighEliteMajor

    I do think Ingram is a 1 year player. I think he saw his stock rise as much as anyone between the McDonald’s game & the Hoop Summit. The positive feedback on his game the last 2 weeks has been heavily stated.

    Logically you would think that Ingram needs a few years to develop his body. He looks like he hit a major growth spurt and just hasn’t filled out. College would certainly help him, Hudy might even accelerate that plan. Offensively he looks to have a lot of skill and for his size can shoot it very well. If he had an extra 30 pounds he’d be a stretch 4 but I think his game is set up around being a SF at the next level. His size and shooting will be big factors to the NBA. I think if he shows an improved frame as his season goes on, he’ll be a highly coveted player next year. That has me thinking he will go, if he has a productive season.

    As far as his recruiting goes, HEM you may have solved that hint Self gave. It would seem to match up with the positive things he’s had to say about KU and maybe Bragg has relayed his thoughts to him about Ingram’s intentions. What we know is that Ingram would have committed to UNC had the academic scandal not lasted this long over the program. Then there is Duke, who most likely has the PT available 10 miles up the road. Duke I’m sure is going to push after him hard because of the empty roster they have.

    I think when he sets up his last in-home visits that will give us an indication where he might be leaning.

  • @jaybate-1.0 Man! Dont say that! We can still get Diallo!

  • @drgnslayr Im going all in on Svi this season. I really think he is going to be a stud come November. He’s gonna have his NBA body ready, all he needs is to gain some swagger and watch out. Of course, Im no coach, Im just a spectator. Purely opinion only here.

  • @Bosthawk

    Skill level and effectiveness are not necessarily the same thing but the 2012-2013 team started 3-5th year seniors, Withey, Releford and Young plus 4th year senior EJ and red shirt freshman McLemore; arguably the most experienced team ever. All senior were very capable and comparable to Ellis…although opinions will obviously vary.

  • @HighEliteMajor

    Since we really don’t know what goes on behind the scenes, maybe he is quietly recruiting Damion Lee of Drexel who would be immediately eligible and is a pretty darn good scorer…

  • @JayHawkFanToo

    According to ESPN

    1. Damion Lee, Drexel (eligible immediately) – Averaged 17.1 points as a freshman and 13.0 points as a sophomore. As a junior, Lee posted 21.4 points and 6.1 boards per contest – and he’s as sought-after as anyone on this list.

    Considering: Arizona, Louisville, Gonzaga, Marquette, Maryland

  • Perry’s back and Brannen’s hip. What is this, a Jayhawk med center report?

  • @BeddieKU23

    I understand KU is not in the “official” list and that is why I wrote “behind the scenes” and “quietly.”

  • @JayHawkFanToo Maybe … that would be a non-OAD (in the technical sense), and would equate to an NBA level talent. Guys like that, the fifth year seniors, of course, want playing time. Circumstantially, I’d doubt that is a match. And I think with perhaps the top transfer coupled with KU, it wouldn’t be hush-hush. There has to be something else going on beyond what we are considering and the names we have heard.

  • @wissoxfan83 Don’t forget about the OAD’s medical report. They are a pain in my butt.

  • @nuleafjhawk I bet your butt hurts all the time!!!

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Lol. I knew this was gonna happen…

  • @nuleafjhawk I wait for that!

  • @HighEliteMajor

    Keep in mind that Coach Self and staff will be scouting the best non-US college players in the world in Korea in the next couple of months and maybe he is looking to Svi part deux. Lots of very capable yet unknown players overseas waiting to get an opportunity to come to the US to get a better shot at the NBA; of course most are probably considered pros by the NCAA and might not necessarily be eligible but he might find a diamond in the rough out there.

  • @JayHawkFanToo

    I believe those 5 schools come directly from him as I believe he’s already set up visits. Maybe we can get involved but silently all that is speculation.

  • @BeddieKU23

    In recruiting and until the commitment form is signed, it is all speculation…wouldn’t you agree? I have ZERO inside information on this issue so I am just wildly speculating, partly based on what I read and partly is just plain wishful thinking.

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