Azubuike Declares (no agent)

  • Im curious to see his measurements. I’d bet he has pretty good length but a low vertical. Also I’d bet he is only 6’10

  • The most important thing for Doke is to be able to have lateral quickness and mobility. If he can’t guard away from the basket, he has no real chance of getting into the NBA right now. He’s a good athlete, and good athletes can improve rapidly. The Villanova game exposed his weaknesses, so he’s had some time to work on improving those areas.

    Doke is an interesting case study. He has very obvious strengths (size, strength, finishing around the basket) and very clear weaknesses (lateral quickness, PnR defense). The interesting thing is that Doke isn’t a statue out there. He can move. He just doesn’t have good technique when defending away from the basket. He has high hips and tends to bend at the waist rather than the knees. He also doesn’t quite understand airspace on the perimeter, which means he gives too much ground to shooters because he can’t access his athleticism because of his poor perimeter technique. Those things are fixable, particularly where it comes down to technical issues.

  • @justanotherfan your pretty spot on for sure. Love the kid to death , but I think it is a safe bet to say that not many if any at all feels like he would have a chance in the NBA at this point at all.

    Like you pointed out his foot work needs improvement - laterally - -could you imagine if he was in the league and had to be matched up against someone of the likes of JO JO on any occasion or anybody like him at this point? - He would get eaten alive and that’s not trying to come down on him it’s just plain facts that it is what it is.

    Another point and was brought up by this guy in the article people like Doke is almost becoming extinct. If he can’t develop some kind of outside shot and really kind have doubts of any kind of range again because a lot of the mechanics that are used in a jumper is the same of a free throw- positioning of the hand- -the elbow and so forth -I just don’t know. - -lots of work to do. On top of that even though Doke is no Sloth - in the long run - I’m just not sure if the way the speed of the game in the NBA has changed can Doke maintain and keep up? - -These are questions I would have, things he needs to work on plus others - -rebounding - rim protection , lots of work to do - -however smart he isn’t hiring an agent - -Another question is, does he even get a combine invite with the amount of players that have declared? - - We shall see. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @justanotherfan I’m guessing his knee is ok now?

  • @Crimsonorblue22

    No idea on the actual health of Doke’s knee. If he declared, I assume he’s healthy. There’s no reason to go and have a poor showing because he’s not 100%.


    We are getting to a point where there are two basic kinds of big men - rim runners and stretch players. If you can shoot, you’re a stretch guy. If you can’t, you better be able to screen and dunk lobs. If you can’t do either, you really don’t have a position the way that basketball is evolving.

    Doke is a rim runner. The question is whether he can defend guys on the other end if they are stretch players, or if they are rim runners, can he hold his own when he switches onto the ball handler in PnR situations. We don’t see that a lot in the college game, but that’s something you see every other possession in the NBA, so Doke has to be able to at least hold his own for that.

  • justanotherfan said:

    We are getting to a point where there are two basic kinds of big men - rim runners and stretch players. If you can shoot, you’re a stretch guy. If you can’t, you better be able to screen and dunk lobs. If you can’t do either, you really don’t have a position the way that basketball is evolving.

    Also the rim runner needs to be able to block shots.

  • @BigBad And switch on pick and rolls.

  • @BigBad

    …and rebound.

  • DanR said:

    I figured he was gone when he turned to run back up the court and let a Villanova player shoot an uncontested layup with about 5 minutes left in the F4 game.

    That was a heady play. If he’d guarded him the dude would have stopped at the 3 point line and made another 3. He actually saved us a point!

  • @wissox Good point (about the point). To be honest, it was a classic NBA defensive play: “oops, got burnt, oh well, save my energy, I’m still a millionaire.”

  • I hope they all go - don’t even stay one year. Every game we can just pick a handful of kids from the stands. Have a raffle or some crap.

  • You know If by some remote chanced Dok decides to remain and hire an agent - - We will be looking an entirely new starting 5. - All 5 players will make up a new line up. - I know that is seems pretty un likely but still’

    I think if that’s the case I think it will be a challenge for sure to extend the streak. - Not saying it won’t happen but gonna be another one of those years. - People gonna say Well we have got guys that has been is Self’s system for a year - -Good that’s great - -Lawson from everything we have been hearing is a stud-- his brother is good - -But I don’t care big difference between in Coach Self’s system in scrimmage and actual competition in the Big 12. - -Big 12 is a step up from where they came - -competition harder, how will they respond to early season competition in tight contested game - one possession game? Could be interesting.- - -Not sayin again that he isn’t or they aren’t legit - still gonna take time to shake the rust in real time competition and the upgrade in competition. - - Same goes with Moore - -decent player but yet again been sittin out a year - -could be we lose a couple of early season games with new line up

    Plus very true our three freshman - -all really good - -However I don’t give a rats ass -still an adjustment to the College game - -gonna take time no matter how good they are - -all you have to do is look at Duke - -and or Kentucky - - just loaded but yet they take hits --How will our freshman respond to a tight last second game. - I know they will find out real quick that some of those moves that they got away with in High School - -AAU games - won’t fly here. - They are going to find out that there are players just as good or really close and if they try some of the things they did in High School they are gonna get it slapped back at them or turn it over or get it stolen by talented JR’s - -Sr’s

    They are all good Grimes is really good - But still gonna take some games - get some experience - might very well struggle early.

    Also who is going to be the leader this year? - -Who is going to be that go to guy? - -My thought - it’s going to be Dedric - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • He will be back

  • JAYHAWK214 said:

    He will be back

    Great first post. I like the cut of your jib.

  • Even if Doke stays in the draft and DeSousa can’t play next year, KU would still be fine in the frontcourt. All it does is make KU go back to the 2016 and 2017 versions where Self used a stretch 4. This version would have Lightfoot and KJ Lawson as the stretch 4’s with Dedric and McCormack as the low post options.

    Maybe not what we thought the frontcourt would be, but that’s still a pretty solid frontcourt in a worst case scenario.

  • Texas Hawk 10 said:

    Even if Doke stays in the draft and DeSousa can’t play next year, KU would still be fine in the frontcourt. All it does is make KU go back to the 2016 and 2017 versions where Self used a stretch 4. This version would have Lightfoot and KJ Lawson as the stretch 4’s with Dedric and McCormack as the low post options.

    Maybe not what we thought the frontcourt would be, but that’s still a pretty solid frontcourt in a worst case scenario.

    Good points all around. It would make Mitch and Dave our 3rd and 4th bigs, and if we miss on Romeo we’d have just 11 guys. Maybe 12 if the mystery man comes. This scenario is why I think it’s smart to go after Bassey, assuming there isn’t anything there that would draw the ire of the NCAA.

  • I think the NBA is the most competitive it’s ever been. Long players that can move and are skilled are a thing now. They exist. And where Doke fits in that mix is not clear. It might be a good thing to leave to maximize your earning potential. If Doke eventually becomes a Shaq type I’m the NBA,

  • @betterfiree

    … Now might be the best time to go. If not now it’ll be senior year, but let’s be frank. Doke is an endomorph and will tend to bulk up over time. Either he commits to changing his body type early, or he becomes ill-suited for the NBA for a few years. The tend is a trend and I’m not sure another year in college will do good for a guy who willl become less and less equipped to deal with stretch 5’s.

    Additionally, self has said himself that Doke has gotten out of shape after a brief week or two of dealing with injury. Devonte Graham, an ectomorphic- mesomorph would never have issue with being in shape after a brief time like this. Is this going to get better or worse?

  • @betterfireE I agree. Saw a stat where the NBA is now composed of 25% of international players. A lot of those big guys are way more skilled that Doke. The quality of the international player has greatly changed the NBA.

  • I actually think this could be a good thing for Dokes improvement. I think there is a good chance he returns, that being said I have no problem with him leaving because it seems obvious that he wants to help his mom stay outta the trouble thats going on in Nigeria. Just hoping he can do what’s best for both him and her.

  • It’s smart for Doke to enter this year. It should be a year+ long process for him. Enter this year, get feedback on what to improve on (rebounding, shot blocking, quickness), dominate on a great KU team next season, then go pro after in a horrid 2019 draft. He can definitely get drafted then, but this year he has no shot. I don’t even buy some team will take a flier on him. Probably better off taking an international kid and stashing him rather than paying Doke in the G League. The G League has bad player development too, so it would be smart to develop at KU rather than some basketball backwater like Delaware.

  • Imagine Doke shooting FTs in the NBA!

  • Not ready

    No jumper Bad FT shooter Ave rebounder Ave shot blocker at best No trifecta Low vertical Ave athlete Cant guard mobile 4 or 5 Only 18 years old

    Maybe after 4 years of hudy. Would be very wise to get a degree.

  • Not sure if this has been posted but combine invites will go out on Friday the 27th.

  • I certainly hope he stays… not only for himself, but, or course for our benefit. I see us contending for another Final Four next year with Doke, but think it much less likely without him.

    The NBA isn’t focused on limited big guys any longer. He needs to have some game away from the rim, and even his rim game needs to tighten up considerably. His FT shooting is a whole additional story. His basic ball handling is rough. His passing still needs help. His rebounding is still undeveloped. His defense also undeveloped. He really hasn’t polished any area of his game. But he will, and he will do it quickly.

    If he’s thinking about this carefully, he’ll paint a scenario leaving and staying and see which one is to his biggest advantage in the intermediate future, not just for the moment.

  • I think KU is better with Doke but only if Self is willing to pull him in tough match-ups.

  • @BShark

    I think Doke will be a completely different player by fall of this year. His ability to advance rapidly is his biggest upside.

    Not sure about his improvement at the FT line. He should just be able to mechanically develop his stroke and form and practice enough to develop muscle memory. That alone should pull him to 60%. Beyond that % he will have to add some additional polish.

    I imagine a real beast in Doke appearing next year. Just look at this year… he became a real threat about half way through the year, where teams had to deal with a real scoring threat inside.

    I imagine Doke returning with a new defensive game. One where he fouls a lot less but challenges shots better. I imagine Doke learning a lot more about rebounding. That is more about desire than anything else… just look a Silvio. He often snagged rebounds that weren’t even close to him. He really wanted the ball.

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