Alley Oops, Dg, Malik and Refs

  • With Malik, I just think we’re seeing the classically inconsistent player. What we need him to be is streaky. Times where he’ll take over a game vs a tough opponent. He’ll have his chance.

    That said, in watching Malik so far, I don’t see an NBA player there. Tearing up the Israeli league? Sure. Maybe I’m missing something.

  • Dick Vitale gets tired of good players being a little bit cocky, but he’s okay with Trippy tripping and Consonants complaining. Okay, whatever. DG’s the man.

  • I think Malik just doesn’t have a role yet. He’s not going to be a go to scorer. He’s probably our 5th best offensive player right now. Maybe he needs to work on PG skills and become more of a facilitator, even though it’s really not his game.

  • @wissox I agree about Vick as well, some were claiming he wasn’t aggressive with that shot, but to me it’s better to move the ball to open teammates sometimes because we all know that shot is there 90% of the time vs a zone.

  • @HighEliteMajor I agree. We can’t expect him to be great every game offensively. But he will come up big in some games this year. We’ll need him in the tournament too. I’m not going to give up on him.

  • @kjayhawks eh not necessarily. Not when he’s standing there with the ball wide open at the free throw line looking for someone open. He needs to shoot that.

  • @HawkChamp agree to disagree, I think that’s a shot they bait you into and yes a guy needs to hit it from time to time but I like how he drove and kicked it quite a bit.

  • @kjayhawks you gotta make them guard him there, that’s Vicks sweet spot. That’s inside the free throw line, unguarded. 💰

  • @Crimsonorblue22 exactly. Vick is a good shooter and can knock that down all day. Self thinks so as well

  • But Vick caught most of those passes with his back to the basket. Their length would close quickly on him. Looks like it should be an easy shot but I think you want to shoot in rhythm and I don’t think he had rhythm there.

  • Bothersome to me… I’m not upset that Newman had a subpar offensive game. It’s that it seemed to get in his head maybe a lil. Several possessions of lackadaisical defense on the perimeter. Must play thru it when the shots don’t fall and excel in other areas of the game.

  • @wissox ones I saw, vick was squared up.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Then you think he was told not to shoot? Could be.

  • @wissox no, that’s why he started shooting it.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 @wissox He was tied with DTG with most shot attempts with 17. Dude scored 20 and near had a triple double in a 16 point win against a power five team at a neutral site. I’m good with all the above.

  • Self made a comment about Vick, something to the effect that “when he facedthe basket”, he was a better scorer. Good point regarding ‘Cuse closing on him, @wissox !

  • Sometimes they closed, numerous times they didn’t. They were doubling Devonte out front which of course leaves no one on Vick. Several times Vick caught it and didn’t even really face the hoop. When you have a wide open jumper at the foul line, you HAVE to make knocking it down a priority. He finally took advantage a few times in the second half and made Syracuse pay.

  • @wissox And when we brought in our walk on who possesses basketball fundamentals and actually knows how to play the game (unlike their chuckers), dicky v never said a word. Nor did the idiot announcers mention we went on a big run with our walk on on the floor, out scoring them by 9 while Clay was in the game outperforming their trees. We all know he was a guard right and he is playing out of position and killing it! How about you mention that dicky you ignoramous.

  • HawkChamp said:

    @kjayhawks eh not necessarily. Not when he’s standing there with the ball wide open at the free throw line looking for someone open. He needs to shoot that.

    Yes and Amen.

    If anything, him doing so would have opened up the dunks even more. Cuse left him open because was only looking to pass out. DG was having to shoot way outside (thankfully hitting ‘em) because the D was not sucking in from above or below like it normally would when you are in the soft belly of the zone

  • wissox said:

    But Vick caught most of those passes with his back to the basket. Their length would close quickly on him. Looks like it should be an easy shot but I think you want to shoot in rhythm and I don’t think he had rhythm there.

    Because their length had him looking to pass first psychologically, wasn’t because they were physically reacting to him in that spot

  • @KirkIsMyHinrich I agree, Vitale wants a smiling Devonte to be more like Gracie.

  • I don’t know, I’m not no expert (or grammar expert!) but that 10 footer is an awkward shot in my experience which is limited to pick up ball.

  • I’m just curious since I’d turned off the sound. Did DV sing DG’s praises during his phenomenal run? Did he gush? Did he notice? He usually does with players performing like that.

  • Alley oops ought to be a stat. We had a bunch.

  • @wissox Dickie said he ought to play bb instead of celebrating!! Haha!! He’s not his mom

  • @Crimsonorblue22 And when he said it Devonte’ wasn’t even going nuts. It was as if he had a rooting interest against Devonte’. First he wasn’t living up to expectations, then he needs to be stoic when he gets hot. But Grayson Allen can trip his way to the top and he’s just a competitor? I thought it was a crappy comment at the time. Dick can barely control his verbal diarrhea, but a kid can’t wave his arms after a made three?

  • @Fightsongwriter Clay Young was a post in his past years at KU when there was a full compliment of walk ons and previously at his JuCo as well. At 6-5, he would’ve been a post in HS as well.

    Him being a solid, fundamental post shouldn’t be a surprise because he’s been a post most of his life.

  • Best part of watching the KU game at a sports bar with friends…no Dukie Vitale. 😊

  • Clay Young isn’t your typical walk on. He had potential D1 offers to low majors out of HS. He has D1 ability.

    I will grant that he isn’t the type of guy that would ever start at KU, but being a rotation player isn’t completely out of the question. He’s very solid.

  • dylans said:

    @Crimsonorblue22 And when he said it Devonte’ wasn’t even going nuts. It was as if he had a rooting interest against Devonte’. First he wasn’t living up to expectations, then he needs to be stoic when he gets hot. But Grayson Allen can trip his way to the top and he’s just a competitor? I thought it was a crappy comment at the time. Dick can barely control his verbal diarrhea, but a kid can’t wave his arms after a made three?

    Dickie’s loves it when a player slaps the floor when on defense but smiling is not allowed.

  • Crimsonorblue22 said:

    @wissox Dickie said he ought to play bb instead of celebrating!! Haha!! He’s not his mom

    He said that about DG? Wow, that’s unbelievable. Do you remember the moment he said that?

  • @wissox early

  • @wissox early first half after DG made a three. About the time he was getting hot.

  • wissox said:

    And DG started making threes, he started Mcnamaring Syracuse. Ball game.

    So… is the trey line the McNamara Line?

    It has been a while since I’ve heard Vietnam jargon.

  • Don’t know if anyone noticed, but Self said Clay Young was 6’3" – “I actually thought he did great,” said the KU coach. “Six-three guarding 7-2, I thought he did OK.”

    Could have just been exaggerating it low to make the point bigger than 6’5" would have, I guess.

  • @HighEliteMajor You have previously noted the consistency with which KU adds inches to our players–Jamari, Perry, etc. So, does this represent an incipient Clay Rule that does the opposite?

  • I think Malik just needs a bit more experience. Experience with D1 AND experience with this team. He did look lost out there. I wonder how many times he has faced a zone? Svi also looked lost out there against the zone and one time he threw the ball directly to a Syracuse player.

    This was a good game to show us which players are ready for about anything on the court. Right now, it mostly looks like Devonte and Vick.

    Doke looked frustrated most of the night. I think he was also adjusting to the officiating… something young players have to adjust to and play through.

    Lightfoot… wow… what was that, 2 fouls in 13 seconds? He needs to play with a bit more basketball IQ in his game… just not to the point where he overthinks everything and slows down. The game needs to slow down for him just a bit. He hustles but often gets caught out of position or getting caught in the air off a shot fake. But hey… he’s learning and he is hustling! Pretty hard to knock a player for doing that! He just needs more experience.

    I agree with others… Young deserves to be praised! Bravo!

  • @wissox 2nd half about 18:00 mark. Gag!

  • @mayjay Kind of like “debounding” – “deinching”, perhaps? That makes every man nervous.

    Actually, I kind of think it’s like when coach Boone in Remember the Titans inspires the QB with a story about his “12 brothers and sisters”, when he actually had eight – just sounded better.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Yeah, I just watched that. Interestingly as I wound towards that I caught DG’s great block followed by an easy fast break layup and Dick Vitale sang his praises for the layup instead of showboating. Camera must not have caught what he did after the three because it was not really a showboating.

  • To see the referenced carry that wasn’t called you’ll have to watch the 16:34 mark of the 2nd half. I got the screen shot, but couldn’t get it on here. As soon as the ball handler stopped his dribble Doke backed off but he kept dribbling. These moves drive me nuts because the offensive player gains such an edge on defenders. These need to be a point of emphasis for referees.

  • Crimsonorblue22 said:

    @wissox 2nd half about 18:00 mark. Gag!

    Later than I thought. Dick move. 🙂

  • I wrote this in the game chat. If someone can go back and notice Does Newman take a slight hop in the air before catching the ball and going up with it? I swear I noticed Malik taking what I think is a nerves type hop and then going through his shooting motion after. Seemed to affect his shot.

    We know he’s a better shooter then Saturday, he just couldn’t make anything. His turnovers were worrisome and his defense left a lot to be desired again. Might be a player like Svi was earlier in his career where if his shot isn’t falling he’s going to struggle elsewhere as well.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 When he said that I thought " Talk about the pot calling the kettle black " - that’s all DV does - celebrate running his own mouth. How about just announce the game and quit screaming like a 12 year old girl?

  • @nuleafjhawk I have this dream where Vin Scully, Curt Gowdy, and Keith Jackson show up during the broadcast of the Duke-UNC game, slap duct tape over his mouth, bind him, and take him away to the Horrid Broadcasters Dungeon to rot in abject SILENCE! for the rest of his days.

  • @Fightsongwriter Your post ticks me off - because I can’t “like” it a bazillion times!!

  • @nuleafjhawk It ticks me off because he left off Al Mcguire. In his announcing prime he was a great one!

  • @BeddieKU23 Interesting … I’ll look at it this evening.

    Also, Doke’s free throw shooting - I had forgotten to point this out. Look at his chicken wing. He points his right elbow at a 45 degree angle or worse. I don’t know who suggested this, or why, but it is fundamentally horrible. Ideally, as many here know, you’d like that shooting elbow point as straight down to the floor as possible. For a guy that can’t make free throws, I can’t imagine how this is good advice or why it’s permitted.

  • @BeddieKU23 He was sped up. He was shooting too quick. He was firing off shots before his feet were set. He was thinking way too much during the game.

  • @KUSTEVE as the season goes along and he gets more game experience, he will settle in and his percentages will go up as a result.

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