Is Breitbart a legitimate news site?

  • “I’m against cats in the house !”

  • @globaljaybird we need to take this cat thing to the other site! I had to take care of a few last week, they are gross! I gagged.

  • Do monkeys fly out of my ass?
    I’m guessing no on that one

  • @approxinfinity There are no legitimate news sites. Nazi Germany spewed less propaganda than I have seen in the last two years. Very sad!

  • @Barney I think it’s probably possible to assemble a rough facsimile of the truth by comparing all the various spin engines. But who had the time for that?

  • approxinfinity said:

    @Barney I think it’s probably possible to assemble a rough facsimile of the truth by comparing all the various spin engines. But who had the time for that?

    If Facebook didn’t collect so many eyeballs all day long, most people would have plenty of time to find and peruse a few sites to get a variety of opinions.

  • @approxinfinity The other side of the coin is that we live in a soundbite society now where no one checks out the truth behind the statements. Carver & Stephanopolis were the first to my knowledge to take great advantage of this for Bill Clinton. That is a deep rabbit hole, I won’t go there.

    My point is that the American people are as much to blame for the mess, by not caring enough to get a little more information on a subject than the “soundbite”.
    Okay, I am off my soapbox…Rock Chalk everyone!

  • Banned

    I don’t think we Americans have a problem finding and understanding the truth. I believe the problem is the fairness that is giving to the that truth. As I said once before (I think). We humans or persons will gravitate to what fits our belief system. If you lean left your not watching Fox news, and if you lean right well you’re not watching CNN. I mean why would anybody watch a news channel that would only bash your party and what you believe to be the truth?

    I think the interesting part is this movement to the information age. No longer are the masses forced to ingest a ginned up spin by some leaning Media outlet that has strings attached. I see it everyday as I cruise the this thing we call the Web. There are a plethora of bloggers with connections that are reporting on stories that the media outlets wont touch because it doesn’t fit with their narrative. Many Americans instead of being brainwashed on what to think about this party or president have found a new source with unlimited information to tap into. They get to hear and read the other side of the story the side the Media doesn’t want to share or air. Sadly I think the days of the Media’s stronghold over the masses is coming to an end. I remember when I was a growing up if it was on the news then it had to be true. This is not the case anymore. The media outlets have an axe to grind and an accord to fool the masses.

    You know its funny and sad at the same time. Yet if a person would really think about it. The US media has done way more trying to effect the results of our elections, than Russians could ever dream of. I’ll never forget the last presidential election. Oh my. In the end the media is losing it’s grip and control over the American viewer, and they don’t like it. I believe that is why are seeing a 24 hour hit campaign on Trump. The media is desperate to hang unto their control over the masses. Even the millennials are even going as far to cutting the cable cord altogether.

    The next midterm and presidency elections will go a long way to telling how much power the media will wield over the masses. At this point I’m thinking not much.

  • We no longer have a reliable press corps with pervasive access to sources, as well as access to a broad audience to which they are reporting simply the facts. It seems in talking to the older generations, that we had something that resembled that before the era of Fox and CNN.

    • With a pervasive access to sources, a press corps can dig in and do real reporting. No armchair blogger is going to have that.
    • With access to a broad audience, sources know they can go to the media to release information. It becomes an outlet for whistleblowing to keep organizations honest.
    • By reporting just the facts, the news allows people to have their own bias. That’s what news should do. Report the facts and let their audience make sense of it.

    If the day of big media is over, we lose another watchdog. Now all you have is spin agents in a line of cascading regurgitation. While on one hand, the price of democracy is eternal vigilance, on the other, it should not require eternal vigilance simply to peel enough of the BS off of your news to be able to approach the facts with an honest and open mind.

  • Banned


    The thing is the news outlets have become like big business they have a controlling interest in what our government does.

    It appears just posting the truth or shinning the light in a dark corner doesn’t pay the bills or makes the controlling persons of such Media outlets very happy. There has to be an agenda and a purpose instead of just showing things and issues for what they are.

    There was a time in my life I put a lot of stock in what the News Media journalists had to say. Yet it has become clear to me what a journalists used to represent is no longer the code of the modern day journalists. Really very few care about truth yet most have an angle and an axe to grind.

    It might be frightening to think that so many Americans are turning to internet bloggers to find their news. Yet is that really any different than getting your information from these news outlets of today? Each one has an agenda. At least with a blogger you know what you’re getting. The Media is supposed to be fair and balanced. Sadly something it no longer partakes in.

  • @DoubleDD you’re absolutely right, but the answer imo is not to accept the new reality of the media, and justify the blogs as legit news because big media has deteriorated in quality. The answer is to demand fixing the quality of big media or if it’s decline is to be inevitable, ensure that it’s critical functions have been accounted for elsewhere. It seems difficult to imagine a freelance model of investigative journalism that could work, without very strong bias and factual subversion straight off the tap.

  • Banned


    I agree and understand.

    I just don’t know if fixing the big media is possible. It seems that profits and viewership aren’t as important as trying to control and fixing the message.

    Big media has become no different than Wall Street. When you have journalist signing multi million dollar contracts. Fair and balanced goes out the window and is replaced with an hidden agenda. They’re no longer to be trusted.

    It’s the typical propaganda war. Control the consumption of information to the masses and you control the masses.

    I wouldn’t underestimate the typical internet blogger. I’m assuming we’re about one more generation away of making national media somewhat obsolete. I know it’s hard for cats like us to fathom such a notion. Yet it is really a movement to cut the cord. Millennials are really the fire starters of this movement. They are leading the movement away from being force fed an ideology that doesn’t fit their views of government and the world.

    And lets face it the big media is more about forcing an ideology than they are reporting the facts.

  • “Just when ya think you’re out they pull ya back in …”

    approxinfinity said:

    @DoubleDD you’re absolutely right, but the answer imo is not to accept the new reality of the media, and justify the blogs as legit news because big media has deteriorated in quality. The answer is to demand fixing the quality of big media or if it’s decline is to be inevitable, ensure that it’s critical functions have been accounted for elsewhere. It seems difficult to imagine a freelance model of investigative journalism that could work, without very strong bias and factual subversion straight off the tap.

    So I have to say that Breitbart contributor Mr Schilling seems to have a legit point on the latest major espn screw-up. With the key words of your post being “demand fixing”, kick this can around & see how far it goes before the hub cap falls off.

  • @globaljaybird

    Let’s look at why Schilling was fired. He posted a meme about the transgender bathroom issue that depicted the following:

    an overweight man in a too-small t-shirt with holes cut out of the chest with the following caption - “LET HIM IN! to the restroom with your daughter or else you’re a narrow-minded, judgmental, unloving racist bigot who needs to die."

    Now, this meme is outright factually incorrect. Cross dressing is not transgendered. Being gay is not transgendered. There’s outright no factual basis that Schilling can stand on to say that his post was based in anything other than mocking a group of people (or several groups, in this case). Prior to that, Schilling had previously been disciplined by ESPN for the following incidents:

    In 2015, he posted a meme comparing Muslims to Nazis. He was suspended briefly for that.

    In February 2016, he had a post that said Hillary Clinton should be “buried under a jail.”

    The meme about the bathrooms was his third incident in less than twelve months.

    If you had an employee that violated a policy three times in less than twelve months, despite the fact that they had been suspended and admonished about their previous actions, would you keep them or can them? Schilling got fired because he was a repeat offender. If Jemele Hill has another incident in the next few months, I wouldn’t be surprised if ESPN suspends or even fires her.

    Schilling wants to play the victim. I guess he’s too much of a snowflake to realize that being a repeat offender always brings more harsh discipline.

  • Breitbart is based on “white majority” morals, white supremacy morals. They have no place in main stream society. They are better kept under a rock, tons of rock, in the desert, stark raving mad and dying of thirst. That’s where they belong as does anyone who takes news from that POS website.
    Better not be any KU fans on here that actually believe that shit. If so, you’re a disgrace to KU culture.

  • Banned


    Are we still in America? Have we lost are rights to visit certain sites?

    So a few KU fans get to decide where KU fans get their news?

    OK, So please do tell us where we can get our news from?

    I mean none of us want to disgrace the KU nation, Oh great one.

  • @Lulufulu that’s pretty harsh. Can we find moderate again in these firery times?

  • @justanotherfan I must say your post really surprises me. But, it is what it is. Have always respected your balance with almost uncanny knowledge in most all board discussions through the years… Now there’s way too much name calling in & catchphrases in your post-so much for moderation on this after only 4 additional comments. Hubcap hell, the wheel’s off. That’s even more swiftly than I anticipated. None of this opinionated garbage belongs in a sports chat in the first place in many people’s opinions. . Frankly that’s no longer what it is. Espn & cbs have their own crap pages for this type stuff. Who ever it was that once said “buckets is my facebook”, I don’t know if I’d trust them as a “friend” or not. They might want to play a victim too-or trick one here to be one of theirs. Over & out.

  • @globaljaybird are you talking about @justanotherfan 's last post? seemed pretty straightforward and grounded in reality. Never been a fan of Schilling.

  • @globaljaybird @MoonwalkMafia If you have a preconceived notion that sports and politics shouldn’t meet, then there’s absolutely no reason you can’t and shouldn’t block the politics section. I think anyone would respect that. But this category is attempting to find a discussion grounded in reality, something that I think is important and healthy. Because a person says something personal occasionally when they get riled up (and might not mean to say if they weren’t fired up) doesn’t make the politics section a failure. To me, it reiterates the importance of having an avenue for open dialogue like this, to keep people grounded and engaged and finding middle ground. What’s better, people saying something, talking it out and getting back to reality, or keeping it bottled up with no avenue to express it?

    And hasn’t the sports topics gotten personal occasionally as well? Should we not talk about KU because we’re all passionate and opinionated about it?

    In todays inflammatory times, I think it is important not only to reject wild extremism when you encounter it, but celebrate a reasonable position, even (or maybe especially) when it differs from yours.

  • Banned


    Well I would say the last two are suspect. Lets be honest ESPN is getting involved in politics. So if that is the case then why move an Asian from a college football game because of his name? Hey if you’re going to play the game, then you have to answer the questions.

    I don’t know about you but my dinners are ruined. As every time one of my girls has to use the bathroom I have to accompany them. I know the stats show I have nothing to worry about, yet I would rather second guess than be sorry. A valid point. Nothing against transgender just the law is not specific. Any man/predator that feels he’s a woman can enter a women’s bathroom without hassle. Not to mention high school boys can now enter the girls locker room. Don’t think a high school boy won’t use transgender to get into the Girls locker room? He’ll be a legend.

    The Hillary episode is one of truth. After all she said of the Benghazi attack. What does it matter if it was a planned attacked or just a random attack. Seems a bit cold to me. Americans lost their lives and she seems not to care. Her speech and views seem to be business as usual.

    I think Espn is playing some Liberal politics.

  • @DoubleDD ESPN is liberal. Schilling is a inflammatory douchebag and shouldn’t be on ESPN, regardless, imo. Nobody is stopping you from parenting as carefully as you want. I haven’t followed this thread closely. Not sure what we were talking about with Hillary / Benghazi.

  • @approxinfinity Lock 'er up!–this thread, I mean. It is definitely flying outside approved airspace.

    It has been awhile since anyone posted something along the lines of, “Many people think we should go to a flat tax. Anyone have some ideas about that?” Or, “What should we do about North Korea?” Or even, “Can the US afford [insert program of your choice]?”

    Unless I see topics that are efforts to have a discussion rather than trolling to spark fights, I am dropping out of the politics category. I invite anyone else tired of it to join me in BB, General (nonpolitical), MLB, and football, and any other areas where a post is not headed by a question certain to provoke emotions.

  • @globaljaybird

    I try to stick to a handful of rules when posting, particularly about politics.

    I try to stick to giving my opinion on facts.

    I avoid namecalling or accusations of fellow posters

    I try to understand the other side of the argument.

    Perhaps it was a bit confusing because I used the term “snowflake”. That was not directed at my fellow bucketeers, but at Mr. Schilling. Curt Schilling was fired only after his third incident in 8 months. He wants Hill fired immediately. He was a repeat offender over a very short period of time. She had a small incident nearly a decade ago, with nothing since. As I said, if she has another incident within the next several months she will likely be suspended (justifiably) and potentially fired.

    But Schilling is ignoring those facts, acting like he was fired for his first incident. That’s why I am calling him out. If you have multiple incidents where you are disciplined over a short period of time at any job, you are likely to get fired. Period.

    Schilling is just trying to drum up support for himself by comparing apples and oranges. I have seen lots of people call that “playing the victim”, so I called it that.

    I used the term “snowflake” because I am aware many conservatives use that term against left leaning individuals that complain about treatment the left views as unfair. I used it specifically to call attention to the fact that Schilling is doing exactly that here.

    The only part directed at you was the question “if you had an employee that violated a policy three times in under a year, would you keep them or can them?”

    My post and the words “victim” and “snowflake” were directed only at Mr. Schilling, as I hope is apparent both in this explanation and, if you desire, a review of my previous post, which I have left unchanged.

  • @justanotherfan Ok thanks for clarifying your rules & rationale. Certainly hope that makes everyone feel better. Yet now we know that even you are just as capable of stereotypically applying namecalling & biases as Schilling or Hill & think that’s perfectly Hoyle when allowed to spin it through your rules. Though not directed at anyone person in particular, the purpose of my orig comment was to expose just that, thinking that maybe, just possibly, this political victim horseshit would be purged from what once was a classy, relevant sportschat. Sorry, my bad. All it’s really doing is purging board rats & morphing this site into justanother site where all “victims”, with or out rhyme, reason, or ridicule, can have the floor whenever they like to post whatever unfounded opinions they perceive as facts about people they do not know, whenever they wish. To hell with slander or libel. Does it sound like a Breitbart clone ?? Nah, not here … We’re all KU people, we’re better than that. Also you are are asking me for a personal opinion when you say “would you fire” so & so for such & such … Sorry bro but Nunnya. I’m a little old school on that one. It’s not really anyone else’s business. Believe it or not, not all people have to just say something to make themselves feel good. Better yet, ask me if the US Govt should’ve paid for Chelsie Manning’s transgender hormonal therapy when the cowardly little traitor was locked up? Ya might just get lucky & get an answer on that one. Zero hope left for this board now that all the worms are finally out of the can. To sum it all up, if bullshit was music, a mere handful of posters have succeeded turning this site into a brass efin band. Whatever happened to the sound reasoning “some things are better left unsaid?” I guess the Golden rule now applies to this site too. Glad you got your wish appx.

  • @globaljaybird your post is making me realize that today’s political dysfunction and inability to compromise has been generations in the making because of our unwillingness to talk, instead harboring and hardening our ideas that have been cultivated to be diametrically opposed to the perceived opposition. Let’s hope future generations are much better talking to people whose ideas differ without getting hot under the collar, or we are all doomed.

    Again, there’s no reason to sit in this category and complain about how the board is ruined. This section is easily ignored. Anyone losing their head in here should reevaluate the category rules and calm down or kindly see their way out of the category until they feel they are capable of maintaining their cool. I’m looking at you @globaljaybird.

    Locking thread.

  • @approxinfinity actually. You know what it’s not just @globaljaybird . I know anti Trump people are disappointed with our direction right now. It might feel like the sky is falling but please. If you cant keep a level head in these times, take a walk grab some fresh air and find a better angle. That goes for me too.

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