What does this game mean?

  • @wissox doesn’t he have the top recruiting team for this year? 3 top ten pics for the draft. We have 1? He always has the number 1 or 2 top teams and he does what? Unibrow year he won. His guys could go on to NBA and skip their year w/him. Jmo of course. I don’t think he could figure what to do when coach switched up D’s. I think and I’ve heard him say, just run and dunk it.

  • What does it mean? We won and it means our RPI and SOS just improved under some hellicious circumstances.

  • @wissox

    I think Kensucky is ahead in wins against us 24 to 7. Make that 8 now. What a great win!


    Just when I thought he couldn’t coach any better…HE TOTALLY GOES AND REDEEMS HIMSELF. OUTSTANDING

    Josh Jackson just proved why he was the #1 recruit. Damn that kid came through BIG TIME.

    Calipari looked like a little lost boy that just lost his freaking mind. The looks and rants on the side line? PRICELESS…I have to quote one of my fav movies except insert Self and Cal…To Cal: I’d like to think the last thing that went through Cal’s head, other than that loss…,is how in the hell did Bill Self come into my house and out coach my azz.

  • @truehawk93 Cal arguing for a replay review with around 3 minutes left. Priceless!

    @StLJhawk Thanks! I was looking for the total wins, not just in the series between the two teams. I’d guess we’re about 20 behind.

    @Crimsonorblue22 With all due respect, he’s a fine recruiter and it takes some skill to get new guys every year to perform like he does. I think he’s coached in 3 or 4 championship games so that takes some doing.

  • It also means, those of you doubting Trae Young would not come to KU?

    Guess what? Trae is a winner and he likey this win and he wants to play for a proven winner. I think we just got our pg folks. I’ve had in the bank for some time now. So, let’s hope my little theory is true. Who doesn’t think this kid is a competitor and wants to win? Who? All this side show crap has nothing to do with his decision either. He still wants to win. IF he chooses OU, no offense, but they just failed the B12. KU just helped regain the challenge lead between the SEC/B12. Come on Trae and make your announcement earlier than you expected. Jump on I35, leave Oklahoma, and play for a championship team. All due respect to Lon Kruger, but let’s face it, OU is no KU bball program.

  • @wissox IF I remember right, last night they showed total victories by both teams. I believe it was like Kentucky , 2022 wins - - -& KU - 2004 - - -so ya , the total number may not be exact pin point - -BUT we WERE 18 behind - - so now 17 - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @truehawk93 Great movie references!

  • @wissox I noticed as well in the box score…they played 8 and the 3 that played the least minutes played a similar amount of time to our 3 off the bench. Fortunately, we did not get in much foul trouble.

  • @time-to-rock-73 I missed that. Problem with these games is I sit with my laptop and type messages on the chat and miss all kinds of stuff on the screen!

  • @wissox That’s why I rarely chat. I enjoy the games more than about anything else. I’d hate to miss something that I’ve waited all year for, so I can prove my brilliance (or ignorance as it may be) in print. Commercial breaks…the gloves come off!

  • @wissox Glad you got surprised yesterday. It’s always nice to see the change in attitude once you see things my way…lol.

  • We have juniors and seniors… guys who are now seasoned and mature. Kentucky’s model is to start OADS and TADS - both models have their merits, but I’ll take the Self-KU model hands down.

  • @dylans Yeah, I’m a bit different. I’m very social in real life, and when I hear the announcers yell, I can always rewind the game and see the play I missed!

  • This game meant a lot. This team needed the win after the week they had. It’s going to help this team keep momentum going into the biggest conference game of the year on Wednesday.

    This game also dispelled the popular belief that this team couldn’t win without Bragg and even more depleted depth. We got enough good minutes from Coleby/Lightfoot to keep this team together.

    I’m thrilled this team found a way to overcome the poor first half and still win. That zone defense switch really helped neutralize UK’s offense.

  • @BeddieKU23

    Many of the top team are starting to settle on a 7 man rotation. UK played pretty much 7players, Nova played only 7 today and Virginia 8 and Duke plays mostly 7 players. Of course, teams like West Virginia with the press will continue playing lot more players because of the physical demand of their scheme.

  • @wissox

    Yep… Cal gets his teams to the top. What can he do with NO McD’s AAs? You remember what that is like, right? The team we took to the title game in 2012 was completely VOID of McD’s AAs.

    Let me go to the NBA and grab 8 all star players, and I will challenge KU or any other team within one week. Cal has made a similar situation with all his draft pick players.

    I definitely proclaim Cal as the best recruiter in college ball. But beyond that… bs.

    That is like saying Bill Self has made JJ who he is. Nonsense. JJ is kicking butt because he is a kick butt player.

    Put Cal with a team of mediocre players and guess what they will become? Right… a mediocre team.

    I have no respect for Cal as a coach beyond his ability to recruit.

  • @wissox Good points all. With regard to #7, while you didn’t name names, I’ll fess up. In the Reality and Gut Check Time thread, I did note that we had at the time only beaten one team - Duke - that is certain to make the tournament. Wasn’t “naysaying” - just saying. It was a factual observation. I did also note that we obviously would have a chance at UK and with remaining games with Baylor and WVU to change that. Now we have 2 wins against certain tournament teams - one in a true road game. It was a huge gut check game and the boys stepped up big time. Now, we still don’t have as many high quality non-conf wins as some others (e.g., Louisville has also beaten UK and Duke, along with Purdue, IU and WSU), but if we play with poise and grit like we did the last 25+ minutes of last night’s game, we’ll be in good shape.

  • @DCHawker

    Rupp is considered one of the top 3-5 hardest arenas to play in the country. WVU is not in that league but. much like KSU, it sure gets loud and obnoxious when they play KU.

    They had Michael Buffer announce Kentucky’s lineup only, a tacky and disrespectful “dick” move. Prior to the game they had the people from the Guinness Book of World Records and apparently they set a new record for loudness that we will have to take back in the near future, KU also set a record for turning the loudest arena into the quietest in 40 minutes. 😃

  • @JayHawkFanToo I didn’t think it was a “dick” move. I’m sure it fired up the Jayhawks!

  • @wissox What does this game mean? It means KU went into Rupp with a less than 100% team and beat a butt load of Sleazy primadonna’s. Plain and simple.

  • @JayHawkFanToo said:

    KU also set a record for turning the loudest arena into the quietest in 40 minutes.


  • This win means we can all refer to the 2016-17 season as the one when we beat both Duke and Kentucky in the same season. Will we meet UCLA or North Carolina at some point?

  • @JayHawkFanToo

    True, we are at the point where most lineups have settled on rotations. No question if we had Bragg available he’d be the 7th guy. I thought we stole one from Kentucky with the defensive changes and Lucas not putting himself in a situation to sit for a long period of time. When we have to go to Lightfoot/Coleby we are at the mercy of them being able to impact the game positively which is a real unknown when these guys don’t get consistent bench minutes. Can we mask Lucas from foul trouble? Will the staff ask Landen to play less aggressive guarding going forward? We simply cannot afford him sitting.

  • @bskeet Pre-season #1 Duke and #2 Kentucky to boot. But I’m hoping to add some hardware that makes those games insignificant.

  • @bskeet Id rather meet UCLA. We can beat those guys, they are soft on defense. Our upperclass guys and Josh would eat them alive.

    Plus, Im just over playing UNC. I happen to like Roy a lot and hate seeing him have to lose against KU.

  • @Lulufulu I wouldn’t want to face them before the final four. If they are having a good shooting day, it would be hard to outscore them

  • Let’s face it. On a given day, any team in the top 10 can beat any other team in the top 10…heck, you can even extend it to the top 20…

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